"Get a Bigger Butt, a Rounder Butt, and Firm, Smooth Thighs"
Look Great in ALL Your Clothes and Look Even
BETTER With Your Clothes Off!
Is a Bigger Butt Important?
A big butt is not important to everybody, of course. In fact, a well-known character on a popular TV show once stated that he wanted "...a woman with a big heart and a tiny ass."
While many of us might struggle to understand him and how he was socialized, I'm not one of them. All the men I know want a woman with a big heart and an ass like the one on the left. Every one of them!
How Do You Get a Bigger Butt? Really?
There is a lot of free information on the Internet about how to get a big butt. A lot of videos of people with flat butts giving their theories on butt building.
Or you can read some other simplistic, superficial, or maybe even completely incorrect drivel.
Then, there's the lazy women's way out: pills, creams, gels. Even contraptions that claim to build your butt while you sit or even sleep.
Finally, the many excuses for having a flat booty...
Let Nick Show You How to Get that Bigger Butt!
Nick Nilsson is a well-known fitness expert who has been helping women (and men) build bigger butts for more than 15 years.
Building a bigger butt is not a mystery. But it's also not magical. It takes some work. The important thing is to know what you're doing and why.
Gluteus to the Maximus
Get a Bigger Butt Now! Gluteus to the Maximus is an electronic (ebook) book that contains proven methods for increasing the size of your glutes without sacrificing the feminine curviness of your butt.
The entire program is delivered upon purchase with guidance on what parts of the program to follow for certain results.
Butt-Building 101:
Four Truths of Sexy Curves
Gluteus to the Maximus addresses some of the main concerns like the amount of time it takes to see the results of building a sexy behind, dealing with "flat-butt" genetics, and the difference between butt toning and butt building.
- Techniques for becoming a butt-building machine
- Overcoming physical/genetic barriers that make your butt small
- Making your glutes -- not your thighs -- do the work
- Learning properly-targeted training and nutrition
From Registered Gluteus Owner M. Shafer...
"I have been doing your program RELIGIOUSLY for two weeks now and I've already started noticing a difference. Two weeks to starting to see an improvement in that area is amazing for me. My glutes are definitely my most stubborn body part. In two weeks my bottom is already getting rounder and firmer."
Registered Gluteus Owner S. McMillan says...
"I increased 2 inches on my butt in two weeks. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I finally have hope for my flat buns. They have never responded to weight training, no matter how much weight I used, but this actually
Click Now: Get Started Here »
Concerned about getting a big, square, bodybuilder butt?
Many women are concerned about this, and we fully understand the issue.
We do want you to understand, fully, that Gluteus to the Maximus is focused on developing larger, firmer, ROUNDER glutes that will make you look better either in a pantsuit or a swimsuit!
If you're ready to stop having the shape of women 25 years older...
If you're ready to increase your butt size by several inches...
And if you're ready to give up buying fake, padded-butt underwear, then pay attention because I'm ready to help you get what you want.
You won't need a paid gym membership...
You won't need to consume large numbers of unhealthy calories...
You won't even need to buy any additional supplements.
When you join Gluteus to the Maximus right now...
Here's Everything You'll Get Instantly,
As Soon As You Join the
"Gluteus to the Maximus"
Training Course...
Downloadable Training: 4 Modules | |
Module 1: Main "Gluteus to the Maximus" Manual all the exercises, all the programs, workouts, stretching guide, frequently asked questions, nutritional info, more... |
$97.00 |
Module 2: Programs and Workout Index these workout sheets give you the details of each day's training, including sets, reps, exercises, and notes |
$47.00 |
Module 3: Exercise Index descriptions and pictures of 56 powerful glute-building exercises |
$47.00 |
Module 4: Online Exercise Video Library complete Online Exercise Video Library with full video on EVERY exercise in the "Gluteus to the Maximus" System |
$97.00 |
Bonus 1: Free Updates for LIFE | $97.00 |
Bonus 2: Direct EMail Access to Nick Nilsson | $997.00 |
Total Real World Value Today: |
Your Price Today:
Just $39.97
And It Comes with This 60-Day
"No Questions Asked" Priority Guarantee!
If you aren't completely satisfied with this system within the next 60 days, we demand that you fire Nick as your online butt-building trainer and you get your refund.
But we are confident you'll stay in, you'll implement the Gluteus to the Maximus systems, and you'll send us a testimonial telling us how much more booty you're seeing in the mirror after finding us and taking Nick's training.
Priority Gluteus to the Maximus
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P.S. Gluteus to the Maximus is a single payment download site. You will need the Adobe Flash plugin installed (free and included with most browsers), or a video player capable of playing WMV files if you want to watch the videos offline.
P.P.S. After signing up, your account will be instantly activated and you will have access to all of the training modules and videos in the next few minutes.